Aug. 28, 2012

Seabees Join Hawaii National Guard for RIMPAC Exercise

By MC1 Patrick Dille, RIMPAC Public Affairs U.S. Army Spec. Michael Quirindongo Velazquez (left), 84th Battalion Engineer Company, and BU3 Saul Garcia Santibanez, CBMU 303, work at a construction site as part of a humanitarian assistance/disas...

Aug. 28, 2012

22nd NCR: Final Seabee Deployment for Operation Enduring Freedom

By YN2 Travis J. Pawlikowski, 22nd NCR ?Brig. Gen. David L. Weeks, (far left) 411th Engineer Brigade, Joint Task Force Empire commanding general, Lt. Gen. James L. Terry, commanding general of International Security Assistance Force Joint Comm...

Aug. 28, 2012

NMCB 3 Leads Global Culture of Fitness

By MCC Jesse Sherwin, MC2 Christopher Carson, CM3 Keith Roman and BUCN Zavier Favila, NMCB 3                 Seabees from NMCB 3, Det. Morocco, run up a sand dune during a physica...

Aug. 28, 2012

Look Out 'Bee-low!

EO3 Kenneth Menzies, NMCB 3 Det Sigonella, Italy, creates a stockpile of dirt to fill in low spots while workoing on a demolition project at Naval Air Station Sigonella. Photo by CM3 Keith Roman...

Aug. 28, 2012

Family ?Bees Move On...and On

By Jenn Cobbel, Former NMCB 4 Ombudsman and Family Readiness Group President                     So, summer has been in full swing and anyone having been with the ...

July 19, 2012

A New Look at Independence Day

By Jenn Cobbel, former NMCB 4 Ombudsman and Family Readiness Group President Independence Day comes but once a year. But to military spouses, the word ?independence? has perhaps a different meaning for a large chunk of the year when your spous...

July 19, 2012

New Seabee Headquarters Facility Dedicated at JEB Little Creek

Members of 1NCD view the Heritage Trail from the quarterdeck of the Lt. Carl Milford Olson Building. The new headquarters facility features Seabee history and heritage, a wall of names in memory of Fallen Seabees (pictured at right), and a full persp...

July 19, 2012

Lt. Carl Milford Olson: Pontoon Causeway Pioneer

A tribute to Lt. Carl Milford Olson is a focal point on the quarterdeck of the new 1NCD headquarters building. Letters of condolence to Olson?s family from then-President Franklin D. Roosevelt and then-Secretary of the Navy William Franklin Knox are ...

July 19, 2012

New High-Year-Tenure (HYT) Dates for E1-E3

By NC1(SCW) Robert A. Wetzel, NAVFAC HQ The new High-Year-Tenure (HYT) dates for all Active Duty (ACDU), Full-Time Support (FTS) and Selective Reserve (SELRES) are now in effect, as of July 1, 2012. Q: Who does this affect? A: All E1...

July 19, 2012

NMCB 7 Completes Last Deployment Before Decommissioning

By Rob Mims, Public Affairs Officer, NCBC Gulfport Photos by MCC(SCW/SW/AW) Ryan G. Wilber More than 600 Seabees from Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 7 returned home to family and friends at Naval Construction Battalion Center (N...