By NC1(SCW) Robert A. Wetzel, NAVFAC HQ CCC
Are you being separated by PTS or ERB, looking to use the Early Career Transition Program (ECTP) or wanting to continue serving the Navy just not on active duty Well the U.S. Navy Reserve (USNR) wants you! Converting from Active Component (AC) to the Reserve Component (RC) is simple, and here are some options if you are interested in joining the Navy Reserves.
If you have received a Final Denial on your PTS application and want to affiliate with the Reserves then you should apply immediately in the Fleet RIDE system for a Selected Reserve (SELRES) PTS Quota. This provides the opportunity for a guaranteed spot in the Reserves. If for some reason this application is denied, you may still try to join the Reserves through a Reserve recruiter. Seabees who were selected to separate through the ERB may also apply for a SELRES quota through Fleet RIDE.
Whether you are separating through the ECTP or just not wanting to continue your active military lifestyle, you can still sign up to join the Naval Reserve. You have several choices when you sign up. You can go SELRES where you drill one weekend per month and do two weeks of training during the year. Deployments may be required depending on the unit you re assigned to, but if you sign up from active duty you have the option of signing a deployment deferral for up to two years. Participation as a SELRES Seabee also entitles you to receive pay for drilling and annual training. Seabees will be considered for selection for promotion and advancement just like the AC.
Another available option is Inactive Ready Reserves, or IRR. These Reservists do not drill or deploy; enlisted are not eligible to be considered for advancement. Though not actually drilling, Seabees must ensure they keep themselves and their uniforms up to standards in case they are called to serve. There are also opportunities to gain points toward a Reserve retirement while in the IRR.
The Retired Reserve (USNR-Retired) is for Seabees who have retired from the Reserves after 20 years or more. These Seabees may still be recalled to the Reserves when mandated by Congress. Retirement pay is received until age 60.
The benefits for all SELRES are commissary, exchange, MWR privileges, life insurance, retirement, Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) and an ID card. SELRES have added benefits such as medical and dental coverage, Space A travel, overseas opportunities, educational services and uniform entitlements. There is also a bonus for enlisting as a Seabee in the Navy Reserves for up to $10,000 as per NAVADMIN 013/12.
If you are interested in continuing your service as a Seabee in the Reserves, then make sure you have these items: your DD 214, DD 2808/2807 (HIV Test) and a copy of your last three evaluations/fitness reports. Remember, you may start your research and apply for the Reserves before your actual separation date. Contact your CCC, the Career Transition Office (CTO) or your nearest Reserve recruiter for more information.
Navy Reserves:
Seabee Reserves:
NPC CTO site:
Customer Service: 1-866-U-ASK-NPC (827-5672)
CTO Officer: 1-901-874-4192
CTO Enlisted: 1-901-874-4108
CTO Fax: 1-901-874-2186 DSN 882