By Don Rochon, Associate Director, Public Affairs & Communications, NAVFAC HQ
Naval Facilities Engineering Command Commander and Chief of Civil Engineers Rear Admiral Kate Gregory and retired Rear Adm Benjamin Montoya present BU1 (SCW) Nicholas Mileham, Naval Mobile Construction Command 133, the 2012 Steelworker 2nd Class Robert D. Stethem award for his outstanding achievements during the year. The Stethem award recognizes outstanding individual moral courage in support of Seabee traditions while conducting actual operations. Photo by MC1(SW/AW) Chris Thien
More than 500 people assembled in Crystal City, Va., March 9, for the annual celebration of the anniversaries of the Seabees, Civil Engineer Corps (CEC) and Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC).
NAVFAC Commander and Chief of Civil Engineers Rear Adm. Kate Gregory hosted the special occasion to honor these organizations' past, present and future.
"As we celebrate our storied past and many accomplishments, let us always remember to honor those who have made the ultimate sacrifice and those wounded in service of our country. I am truly blessed to serve with each one of you. May God bless you and your families, the United States Navy and our nation," Gregory said.
This year's ball marks the 71
st anniversary of the Seabees, the 146
th anniversary of the Civil Engineer Corps and the 171
st anniversary of NAVFAC, which was established in 1842 as the Bureau of Navy Yards and Docks.
Joan Bennett, widow of Seabee Medal of Honor recipient Construction Mechanic 3
rd Class Marvin Shields, was the guest of honor and keynote speaker at the event. Shields was the first and so far only Seabee to receive the Medal of Honor. He was also the first Sailor to receive the Medal of Honor for action in Vietnam. She spoke of his accomplishments.
"Seabees believe he exemplified the ideals of a construction man and a fighting man by making the ultimate sacrifice to save his team members," Bennett said. "Marvin would have been embarrassed and humbled (to receive the Medal of Honor), and would have been the first to say that so many people did heroic things that day."
During the anniversary celebration, two Seabees were recognized for their outstanding achievements.
The Steelworker 2
nd Class Robert D. Stethem Award, recognizing outstanding individual moral courage in support of Seabee traditions while conducting actual operations, went to Builder 1
st Class (SCW) Nicholas Mileham, Naval Mobile Construction Battalion (NMCB) 11.
The Rear Admiral Lewis B. Combs Award, named for the Assistant to the Chief of the Bureau of Yards and Docks under Adm. Ben Moreell during World War II, and is presented to the individual who has made the most outstanding contribution in perpetuating the legacy of Seabee, CEC and NAVFAC accomplishments and traditions, went to Chief Warrant Officer Christopher Vollmer, 30
th Naval Construction Regiment (NCR).