Someone once said, It seems that the tendency of an event to occur varies inversely with one's preparation for it.
September is National Preparedness Month, a month-long awareness campaign to improve the nation s emergency preparedness. All of us need to be prepared for all hazards, whether natural or man-made.
The first thing to do is visit and to access exclusive resources addressing individual and family readiness. Disasters can strike at any time without warning. Preparedness is a responsibility we all share, and we each have an important role to play. Through these websites, you can learn how to be prepared, how to make a plan and how to build an emergency preparedness kit.
To fully prepare yourself and your family, create an emergency kit that includes supplies for at least three days. Although the most helpful kits include items that best suit your family s particular needs, remember to include basic supplies such as water, food, a first aid kit and money.
A practical emergency preparedness checklist for your family can be found on the Ready Navy website -
Also, because hazardous events are so unpredictable, you should be prepared with an emergency kit for your home, work and even in your car. And don t forget to regularly evaluate and update your emergency preparedness kits to ensure they will provide you and your family with basic supplies during any emergency.
Don t let a disaster catch you or your family off guard and unprepared. Check out the links above and start preparing today!